Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Decorating Pumpkins

Whew! The last few months have been B.U.S.Y.!

Now that we are well into fall and the long lasting Texas heat is slowly going away, we are looking forward to being outdoors.  A new backyard patio has been a fabulous addition not only providing us a nice space to sit, grill, for Sweetpea to ride her big wheel, color with sidewalk chalk and blow bubbles but it has made an outstanding spot for messy crafts. 

To celebrate fall, we have been looking at and decorating pumpkins.  I wasn't feeling quite up to carving a pumpkin into a flower or leaf, so I wasn't sure what we would do.  I ran across a great post on "No Time For Flashcards" http://www.notimeforflashcards.com/2011/10/toddler-friendly-pumpkin-glittering.html about glittering pumpkins and knew we had a start! I knew that Sweetpea would be very enthusiastic about this project ;)  Once we decided on glitter, we decided to paint, marker and sticker pumpkins too.

Moving to the patio, Sweetpea paints on the glue...

Beautifully glittered pumpkin. This is my favorite!

Sweetpea painted her pumpkin with washable paint. Curiously, when the paint dried, it flaked off. The rest came off with the help of little hands.

Part way through the stickering process...

Sweetpea colored a pumpkin with washable marker. For some reason it never dried and three days later, the marker rubed off on our hands.

 Completed markered and stickered pumpkins!